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A parallelogram is in the class of 4 sided quadrilaterals

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Q: What is the classification of a parallelogram?
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Name the best classification for a parallelogram with perpendicular diagonals?

The best classification for a parallelogram that has perpendicular diagonals is a rhombus. A rhombus has four sides that are congruent. The also diagonals bisect the vertex angles of this type of parallelogram.

Name the best classification for a parallelogram with 4 right angles and 4 congruent sides?


Would the definition of a square be a quadrilateral and a parallelogram?

No. A square fits the classification of a quadrilateral and a parallelogram, but that isn't necessarily the definition. A rhombus is a quadrilateral and a parallelogram, and so are other irregular quadrilaterals. The correct definition would be a parallelogram and a quadrilateral with four right angles and all equal sides.

What is the best classification for a parallelogram with 4 right angles and diagonals that bisect each other is a rectangle?

It is a rectangle

Which is the best classification for a parallelogram with perpendicular diagonals?

It is a rhombus. All four sides have the same length and the diagonals are therefore perpendicular.

Is a parallelogram a parallelogram?

yes a parallelogram is a parallelogram

Name the best classification for a parallelogram with 4 right angles and diagonals that bisect each other?

A square. All squares are parallelograms, but not all parallelograms are squares.

Is a parallelogram a trapazoid?

No, a parallelogram is not a trapezoid.

Which is a parallelogram?

it is a ............................................................................................. parallelogram

Is a A square a parallelogram?

No, a parallelogram is not always a square, but a square is a parallelogram.

Is a square or trapezoid have a special name and is a parallelogram?

Square = parallelogram and a square trapezoid = trapezoid Parallelogram = Parallelogram

A square is a parallelogram.?

No, a parallelogram is not always a square, but a square is a parallelogram.