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compliment angle = 45 degrees and supplement angle = 135 degrees

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Q: What is the compliment and supplement of 45?
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What is the measure of angle whos supplement is three times its compliment?

180 - x = 3(90 -x) 180 - x = 270 - 3x 3x - x = 270 - 180 2x = 90 x = 45 The angle is 45 degrees (complement is 45, supplement is 135).

In angles what would a supplement that is 4 times a compliment?

Supplement angles add up to 180⁰ Compliment angles add up to 90⁰ let S be the supplement let C be the compliment S = 4C Just a second, this question makes no sense! :)

What is the compliment and supplement of 12 degrees?

90 - 12 = 78 is the complement180 - 12 = 168 is the supplement

Supplement of 45?

135 degrees is the supplement of 45 degrees. When you minus 45 degrees from 180 degrees you will get 135 degrees which is the supplement angle of 45 degrees.

What a 45 degree angle in supplement measure?

The supplement of 45 degrees is 135 degrees.

What is the supplement of 45 degree?

The complement is 45 degrees. The supplement is 135 degrees.

Three times the measure of the supplement of an angle is equal to eight times the measure of its complement Find the angle its complement and its supplement?

The angle= 36, the supplement= 144, the compliment=54

What angle is its own compliment?

45 degrees.

What is the compliment and supplement of 77 degrees?

complement is 90 degrees minus angle supplement is 180 degrees minus angle 90-77 = 13 = complement 180-77 = 103 = supplement

What is the supplement of 135 degrees?

It is: 45 degrees because 135+45 = 180 degrees

What is the measure of an angle whose supplement is three times its measure?

let x = measure of the mystery angle and y = measure of its supplement By definition of supplement, x+y = 180 since any angle and its supplement sum to a straight angle The problem gives us that 3x = y Substituting in 3x for y in the supplement equation gives us x + 3x = 180 4x = 180 x = 180/4 x = 45 Check our answer: The supplement of 45 degrees is 180 - 45 = 135. 45*3 = 135. Therefore, the answer is 45 degrees.

How do you find the supplement of an angle which is six times as large as the complement?

im pretty sure it is this, but double check anyway: 75.6=supplement -87=compliment your welcome poor unfortunate soul!