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Q: What is the correct units for volume of a regular solid?
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What is the units for the volume of solid?

It depends on the system in which you are working, but the units will be the same as for a regular solid. In the International System of Units (SI units, for short), the unit for volume is m3.

What are cubic units?

Volume of a solid that is measured by cubic units

How do you measure the volume of a regular shaped solid?

You measure the height and the length and add them together. Multiply the result by the square root of the width. That number, in cubic units, is the volume.

What is the unit of volume for irregular solids?

It depends on the system in which you are working, but the units will be the same as for a regular solid. In the International System of Units (SI units, for short), the unit for volume is m3.

What is unit of volume of solid surfaces?

Volume is measured in cubic units.

What is the relationship between the units of measurement for the volume of a liquid and of a solid liquid?

well a liquid cannot be a solid but i will interpret the question as this: what is the relationship between the units of measurement for the volume of a liquid and a solid? liquid volume- measured in mL solid volume- measured in cm cubed 1 mL=1cm cubed

What are the units of volume for liquid and solid?

The metric units for volume for liquids and solids are liters and liters/meters-cubed, respectively.

What is the unit with which we can measure the volume of a solid?

The volume of a solid is measured in cubic units

What units do we use for length volume and mass?

The units for the volume if you are measuring any liquid or solid is metre^3/cm^3 as density = mass/volume. The units for mass is grams

What is the unit measure for solid objects when measuring volume?

Cubic units are used to measure volume. These units are m3 ,cm3 etc.

How do you find the volume of a prism solid?

Volume in cubic units = cross-section area*length

How do you work out the volume of a solid cylinder?

Volume in cubic units = base area times length