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I just called my cardiologist's office for an answer to this one (I'm scheduled for a nuclear stress test that uses the Bruce protocol). Here's what the person who will administer my test told me:

It's the percentage of 90 degrees, 0% being no incline, 100% being straight up, perpendicular to the floor. The test begins at 1.7 mph with an incline of 10%, or 9 degrees. The incline is raised every three minutes by 2%, or 1.8 degrees. So at Level 2, the incline is 10.8 degrees, Level 3 12.6 degrees, Level 4 15.2 degrees, etc. -Joe

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Q: What is the correlation between gradient of incline and degrees of the angle in Bruce protocol?
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There is no correlation between degrees and metres. They are totally different measurements so no conversion is possible.

How many chirps would you expect when the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius?

The correlation between cricket chirps and the temperature is very approximate.

How do you calculate degrees of freedom for a correlation?

To calculate the degrees of freedom for a correlation, you have to subtract 2 from the total number of pairs of observations. If we denote degrees of freedom by df, and the total number of pairs of observations by N, then: Degrees of freedom, df=N-2. For instance, if you observed height and weight in 100 subjects, you have 100 pairs of observations since each observation of height and weight constitutes one pair. If you want to calcualte the correlation for these two variables (height and weight), your degrees of freedom would be calculated as follows: N=100 df=N-2 Therefore, df=100-2=98 The degrees of freedom are a function of the parameters; you subtract the amount of parameters free to vary from the n to get the df, so logically in a correlation we should subtract 2 from n, as we are looking at a correlation between 2 variables.

What is the recommended gradient in degrees for branch discharge pipes?

No higher than 140 degrees F, (60 degrees C).

What is the rise of 10 degrees over 1 metre?

A temperature gradient of 10 degrees per metre.

Is 1.08 a steeper gradient than 45?

Yes. 1.08 is about 47.2 degrees.

What is geothermal gradient?

Geothermal gradient is the rate of increasing temperature with respect to an increasing depth in the Earth's interior. It is approximately 25 degrees Celsius per kilometer of depth.

What is the total temperature change between 1000 m and 4000 m in depth?

The average temperature gradient in the Earth's crust is approximately 25-30 degrees Celsius per kilometer of depth. Therefore, the total temperature change between 1000 m and 4000 m in depth would be around 75-120 degrees Celsius.

The geothermal is about 25 degrees Celsius for every 1 km of depth below earths surface?

The geothermal gradient is approximately 25 degrees Celsius per kilometer of depth below Earth's surface. This means that the temperature increases by about 25 degrees Celsius for every kilometer closer to the Earth's core. This gradient is used to estimate subsurface temperatures for geothermal energy extraction and other geological studies.

How do we know if a correlation is significant or not?

There are several statistical measures of correlation: some require only a nominal scale, that is, data classified according to two criteria; others require an ordinal scale, which is the ability to determine whether one measurement is bigger or smaller than another; others require an interval scale, which allows you to determine the difference in values but not the ratio between them. [A good example of the latter is temperature measured in any scale other than Kelvin: the difference between 10 degrees C and 15 degrees C is 5 C degrees, but 15 C is not 1.5 times as warm as 10 C.]The contingency coefficient, which is suitable for nominal data, has a chi-squared distribution.The Spearman rank correlation, requiring ordinal data, has its own distribution for small data sets but as the number of units increases to n, the distribution approaches Student's t-distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom.The Kendall rank correlation coefficient can be used in identical situations and gives the same measure of significance. However, the Kendall coefficient can also be used to test partial correlation - whether the correlation between two variables is "genuine" or whether it arises because both variables are actually correlated to a third variable.The Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient (PMCC) is the most powerful but requires measurement on an interval scale as well as an underlying bivariate Normal distribution.The significance levels of these correlation measures are tabulated for testing.A simple "rule of thumb" for testing the significance of PMCC is that values below -0.7 or above 0.7 are highly significant. Values in the ranges (-0.7, -0.3) and (0.3, 0.7) are moderate, and values between -0.3 and +0.3 are not significant.

What is the temperature at the Moho?

600 degrees Celsius. Which would be 1,112 degrees Fahrenheit.

Two points 10 meters horizontally apart have a difference in elevation of 1.5 mtrs what is the gradient of these two points in percentage and degrees?

The slope of the line between the two points is (1.5/10) = 15% .The angle is the angle whose tangent is 0.15, roughly 8.53 degrees (rounded)