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Cholelithiasis refers to the formation of rock-like crystalline deposits (gallstones or biliary calculi) in the gallbladder. Development is insidious and may remain asymptomatic for years. The major component of most (approximately 85%) gallstones is cholesterol (cholesterol-predominant or "mixed" gallstones also containing calcium salts). These occur either as a solitary stone or multiple stones of varying sizes. Others stones (approximately 15%) are composed solely of calcium salts (calcium carbonate, calcium bilirubinate) or crystallized bile pigments (bilirubin). Pigment stones are more common in Asian than in Western populations.

The gallbladder stores bile, a fluid that is produced in the liver to aid in the digestion of fats. Normal bile is sterile and contains a high level of cholesterol, which usually remains in liquid form. When the bile contains too much cholesterol and/or levels of cholesterol and lecithin are imbalanced, the bile becomes supersaturated. When this occurs, solid crystals of cholesterol and calcium salts form and settle out of the liquid bile creating sludge or gallstones. Other causes of cholelithiasis include production of bile that contains inadequate amounts of certain chemicals (phospholipids or bile acids) or blockage of the ducts carrying bile from the gallbladder to the intestine (biliary stasis). Obstruction can also lead to colonization of bile with bacteria, resulting in infection. Individuals with high heme turn over (e.g., cirrhosis, hemoglobinopathies including sickle cell disease, thalassemia, spherocytosis) are predisposed to bilirubin stones.

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