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Coercive measures are one of the most popular methods for promotion of national interests, which have been frequently used by the state. According to Beard, the coercive measure adopted by the state for the enforcement of the national interests broadly fall into two categories: a) the measures taken within the state which do not infringe directly upon the state against whom they are taken and b) measures directly operating against the state which are the object of enforcement procedure. source taken from "Introduction to International Relations" written by Dr. Syed Wasim-ud-Din. Answer Coercive measures are one of the most popular methods for promotion of national interests, which have been frequently used by the state. According to Beard, the coercive measure adopted by the state for the enforcement of the national interests broadly fall into two categories: a) the measures taken within the state which do not infringe directly upon the state against whom they are taken and b) measures directly operating against the state which are the object of enforcement procedure. source taken from "Introduction to International Relations" written by Dr. Syed Wasim-ud-Din. Answer Coercive measures are one of the most popular methods for promotion of national interests, which have been frequently used by the state. According to Beard, the coercive measure adopted by the state for the enforcement of the national interests broadly fall into two categories: a) the measures taken within the state which do not infringe directly upon the state against whom they are taken and b) measures directly operating against the state which are the object of enforcement procedure.

Source taken from "Introduction to International Relations" written by Dr. Syed Wasim-ud-Din.

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