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Lines go from one point to another points or they can go on infinitely. Lines that are collinear means that they are imposed over each other.

See related link below for a good definition and more info

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Q: What is the definition of collinear lines?
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What is the definition of non collinear lines?

The definition of a non-collinear line is that this is a line on which points do not lie on one line. The opposite of this is a collinear point. Collinear points refer to three points that do fall on a straight line.

What is a non collinear lines?

the lines which are not parallel to each other are non collinear lines

How many lines contain n points with no 3 points collinear?

None. In ordinary geometry, a line contains an infinite number of points and, by definition, they are all collinear. In projective geometry, however, you can have three lines in the form of a triangle. Each line has only two points on it, so it cannot have 3 points collinear.

Do collinear point lie on parellel lines?

No. Collinear means on the same line. So collinear points all must lie on the same line. Not parallel lines.

Are points on the same line collinear?

Yes,actually that the definition of collinear.

Are complanar points collinear?

Not sure about complanar. Coplanar lines can be collinear but need not be.

What is a non collinear point?

Definition for collinear and non collinearPoints that lie on the same line are called collinear points. If there is no line on which all of the points lie, then they are non collinear points.

What is it called when two collinear lines meet?

Collinear lines lie on the same straight line passing through the same points and they are coplanular lines when meeting on the same plane.

Can non collinear lines be parallel?


What are collinear lines that do not and never will intersect?


How many straight lines can be formed with 3 collinear points?

only 1 lines can contain 3 collinear points. Maybe you mean coplanar?

How do you determine if 2 points are collinear?

2 points determine a straight line and are always, by definition, collinear.