

Best Answer

A whole number, one that doesn't have a fraction in it

For example:

five and one-sixth is not a integer number

five by itself is

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Q: What is the definition of integer in a math term?
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Definition of odd number?

An odd number is an integer of the form 2*n+1 where n is an integer. Equivalently, an odd number is an integer which leaver a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.

Definition of line graph?

the answer is in math text books or on the computer.

What is the node in math?

The definition of a node as it is used in math is that a node is a singular point of a curve. It is also defined as vertex in a graph.

Is zero is an odd number or even?

In mathematics (number theory specifically), the definition of an even number is as follows: An integer n is even if there exists an integer m such that n = 2m. Put in more simple language, a number is even if you can divide it by 2 and get a remainder of 0. So, is 0 even? Let's see if the conditions of the definition are satisfied: Is zero an integer? Yes. Does there exist an integer m such that 0 = 2m. Yes. That integer is 0. Alternatively, let's look at the simplified definition: Can you divide 0 by 2? Yes, the answer is 0. Is the remainder 0? Yes. By any mathematical definition, 0 is even. Please do not confuse the fact that 0 is even with the fact that 0 is neither positive nor negative. The two are unrelated. The definition of "evenness" does not require a number to be positive or negative. And, yes, to a mathematician zero is a number and an integer. Please take a moment and read the article in the "Related Links" section called "The Evenness of Zero."

What is the definition for vertex in math?

It is the lines of a cube or a figure...... * * * * * No, a vertex is where they meet!