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Q: What is the definition of optimal ratio?
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The portfolio with the highest Sharpe ratio is on the efficient frontier, according CAPM. The Excel spreadsheet at the related link allows you to calculate a Sharpe optimal portfolio

What is the definition of unit ratio?

Unit Ratio- a ratio that has a denominator of 1

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The ratio of people in work to out of work.

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You can change the air-to-fuel ratio to get less optimal combustion.

Is the optimum level of production the same as the profit maximization level of output?

"Optimal" can be defined in various ways. When looking from a profit maximization viewpoint, the level of production with the highest (return/cost) ratio will be the optimal. However, when looking purely from a productive viewpoint, the optimal level would be the one with the highest (output quantity/input quantity) ratio

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Optimal Physical Fitness is the condition resulting from a lifestyle that leads to an optimal level of cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and fleibility as well as the achievement and maintenance of ideal body weight.

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Yes. But if you have a ratio of two integers, the ratio will be rational by definition.

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the ratio of the mean diameter of the body of a rocket or missile to its length

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The hot work ratio is the area ratio of the cast diameter and the pre-machined finished diameter.

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a ratio that compares a number to 100.

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The definition of a plant chiller is a device that lowers the soil temperature to 68 degrees. 68 degrees is the optimal soil temperature for a plant.