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The radius is half of the diameter.

The diameter is double the radius.

Diameter = 2 x 6.8 = 13.6 yards

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Q: What is the diameter of a circle and the radius is 6.8 yards?
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Which is the formula to calculate area for a circle with diameter of 68 miles?

The area of a circle is calculated by multiplying the square of its radius by pi and can thus be represented with the equation: A = πr^2 where A= area and r=radius. The radius of a circle is equal to half its diameter. Consequently the first step to answering this question would be calculating the radius of the circle. r= d/2 = 68/2 =34 miles This means that the formula to calculate the area for a circle with a diameter of 68 miles would be: A = π(34^2) Working this through would give us: A = π(34^2) = 1156 π = 3631.68 square miles (2 d.p.)

What is the area of diameter= 68 in?

If the diameter is 68, then the radius is 34. 3.14 * 34^2 = 3629.84

How would you find the radius of a circle with a circle with a circumference of 68cm?

First, divide the circumference by Pi (about 3.1416): 68 / 3.1416 = 21.65 cm. This is the diameter. Now, divide the diameter by two to get the radius: 21.65 / 2 = 10.825 cm.The radius is: 10.825 cmNote: The result will vary slightly depending on the value you use for Pi

How do you find the radius of a circle if the circumference is 68?

C (Circumference) = 3.14 (pi)*D (diameter) r (radius) = 0.5D and D = 2r So circumference can also be C=3.14*2r Then, solve 68 = 3.14*2r to get r = 10.83

What is the radius of a circle with a circumstance of 68?

34 / pi

What is the area of a circle with a 68 diameter?

3,631.68 square units.

What is the radius of a circle that has area of 68 square feet?

Area of circle = pi*r^2 so......... 68 sqr ft = pi * r^2 divide both sides by pi 21.645 = r^2 take square root of each side 4.7 feet = the radius of this circle

What is the diameter if the circumference is 68?

The diameter will be: 68/pi

How many square inches in a 68 inch diameter circle?

Ther are: pi*342 = 1156pi square inches

What is circumference of a circle with a radius in the length of 34 mm?

68 pi mm ie 213.6 mm to the nearest tenth

How many yards is 68 meters?

68 meters = 74.3657043 yards

How many yards are in 68 feet?

68 feet are 22.66667 yards.