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A regular polygon is one whose angle measurements are all equal and side lengths are all equal.

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Q: What is the difference between a regular polygon and polygon?
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What is the difference between a regular polygon and non regular polygon?

Regular polygon is equilateral and equiangular. Irregular polygon is non-equilateral and non-equiangular.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and non-regular polygon?

All the sides of a regular polygon have the same length. If two or more sides of a polygon have different lengths, then the polygon is not regular.

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A regular polygon has equal length sides while a polygon does not have to have equal sides.

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The term regular polygon is almost always used to refer to a polygon that has equal interior angles and equal side lengths. In that light, the equiangular polygon and a regular polygon are the same thing.

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regular polygon mean equal sides, equal angles irregular polygon mean it is not equal :)

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Any polygon that has an angle that is > 180º is a concave polygon. A convex polygon does not. e.g. All regular polygons are convex.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and polygon -?

A regular polygon has equal sides and same sizes of interior angles whereas an irregular polygon has sides of different lengths and different sizes of interior angles

Explain the difference between a regular polygon and a nonregular polygon?

A regular polygon has all its angles equal AND all its sides equal. A nonregular polygon has at least one angle or one side that is different from the others.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and a irregular polygon?

'Regular' means that all the sides on the polygon are the same length and all angles are the same size. On an irregular polygon, the sides can be different lengths and angles can be different sizes.

What is the difference between a reaglur polygon and a polygon?

A regular polygon: a polygon with all the same size sides and angles. A polygon: can be different. EX: isosceles triangle. Hope this helps(: ~MICHIGAN NATIVE(:

What is the difference between a reglar polygon and a equil triangle?

A regular polygon is a figure with a definite shape and closed on all sides. An equilateral triangle is a three sided regular polygon whose sides have equal lengths.