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A square mile is a measure of area, such as the acreage of a plot of land. A mile is a measure of length or distance, such as from one city to another.

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Q: What is the difference between a square mile and a mile?
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What is the difference in a square mile and a mile square?

At the level asked there is no difference. As the size goes up there is a big difference... Two miles square would be 2x2 = four square miles.

What is the difference between Acres and Square Miles?

There is no difference. Either way, you a squaring a mile. Square miles and miles squared are the same.

What is the difference between ten square miles and ten miles square?

Ten square miles is 10 1 mile by 1 mile squares, or a square area about 3.1622 miles (or 16,696.8 feet) to a side. Ten miles square is a square area 10 miles to a side, or 100 square miles in total.

What is the difference in one mile squared and one square mile?

there isn't a difference its the same thing just said differently

What is the difference between a country mile and a mile?

There is no difference. Country Miles just seem longer.

What is the difference between 1 mile and 1 km?

1 mile is about 1.609344 km Therefore the difference between 1 mile and 1 km is about .609344 km

How many yards in square mile?

This is an impossible conversion. a yard is a unit of distance, a square mile is a unit of area. You can convert between yards and miles or square yards and square miles. There are 1,760 yards in a mile and 3,097,600 square yards in a square mile.

What is difference between a mile and 611 square miles?

Miles measures distance. Square miles measures area. Therefore, you can not compare the two. It is like comparing feet and cups.

What is the difference between a nautical mile and a regular mile Difference in circumfereence?

1 regular mile is 1609 meters. 1 nautical mile is 1852 meters.

What is the difference between a foot and mile?

One mile is 5,280 feet, so the difference is 5,279 feet or 63,348 inches.

What is the difference between six eighths of a mile and three fourths of a mile?

The spelling possibly?

What is difference between centimeter square and square centimeter?

No mathematical difference.