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Algebra is a form (or subset) of mathematics.

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Q: What is the difference between mathematics and algebra?
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What is the difference between mathematics and arithmetics?

there is no difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic because Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics. there is no difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic because Arithmetic is a branch of mathematics.

What is the relationship between algebra and probability?

They are both branches of mathematics.

What is the Difference between Non-science Mathematics and Scientific Mathematics?

The difference of this two kind of mathematics is that Non-Science Mathematics is used in cases that only logic is used to solve any problem, in the other hand; Scientific Mathematics is something related to Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry, because is used formulas, ways to solve big and tricky problems.

What is the difference between algebra one and algebra two?

A harder version of algebra 1

Is Algebra in mathematics come under pure mathematics?

pure mathematics is mathematics studied and used reasons other than application. So some algebra certainly might be, but not all algebra. Modern or abstract algebra would fit better in that category.

Is there is any difference between -algebra and operator algebra?

Only the word "operator"

What is difference between algebra and advanced algebra?

Adv. is accelerated most likely.

What is the difference between integrated algebra and algebra 1?

Algebra 1 is a class/course that is on a higher level than Algebra.

What is the difference between abstract algebra and linear algebra?

Linear algebra concerns vector spaces whether finite- or infinite-dimensional. Abstract algebra, or modern algebra, includes linear algebra, along with many other kinds of objects, such as groups, rings, fields, lattices, and so on. In part, it was an attempt to put mathematics on a more rigorous footing. Please see the links.

What is the difference between algebra 1a and algebra 1b?

algebra 1a is the first part of algebra 1 and algebra 1b is the second part. :)

What is difference between maths and mathematics?

There is simply no difference.

What is the difference between good in and good at?

There is no difference between the phrases, "good in" or "good at". If a person is good in Mathematics, they are also good at Mathematics.