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Q: What is the difference between population growth and population change?
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Difference between population change and population growth?

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Which is not a difference between a population showing exponential growth and a population showing logistic growth?

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What is the difference between change and growth?

A change is an exchange,a growing process towards making a difference between two or more variables,while growth is the positive and workable realisation of the change-process.

What is the difference between expansion and growth?

what is the difference between growth and expansion

What is the difference between linear and exponential population growth?

Linear growth: The population adds the same number every week/month/year.Exponential growth: The population multiplies bythe same number every week/month/year.

What is the difference between growth and height?

Height is the vertical measurement of a thing. Growth is a change in which something becomes more than it was.

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What is the difference between paramecium Aurelia and paramecium Caudatum?

There is a one difference. Population's growth of P.aurelia is much faster than P.caudatum, so the first species squeezes out another population. But why? Because the first population has better ability to gain food and solar light to accelerate its growth.

a bacteria population is growing exponentially with a growth factor of 1/10 each hour by what growth factor does the population change every 15 minutes?

The bacteria population has an exponential growth with a factor of 16 per hour. The growth factor has to be determined for the population change each half hour.

When resources become less available how does population growth change?

increased emigration

What change in the species homo sapiens has been the biggest impact on the biosphere?

The ability of Homo sapiens to develop advanced technology and agriculture has had the biggest impact on the biosphere. This has led to changes in land use, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change, affecting biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide.

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