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Im not sure actually. But rounding to the nearest number means its easier probably.

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Q: What is the difference between rounding-off to the nearest whole number and rounding-off to the nearest ones?
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What is rounded to the nearest whole number?

It is replacing the number by the whole number such that the difference between the number and that whole number is the smallest that it can be.

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The answer depends on whether the rounding is to the nearest hundreds, the nearest tens or nearest unit!

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The answer depends on the degree of rounding. To the nearest million, any number between 500000 and 1500000. [the number could be 1499999.997, so the upper limit is NOT 1499999] To the nearest hundred thousand, any number between 950000 and 1050000 To the nearest ten thousand, any number between 995000 and 1005000 ... To the nearest unit, any number between 999995 and 1000005 To the nearest tenth, any number between 999999.5 and 1000000.5 To the nearest hundredth, any number between 999999.95 and 1000000.05 etc.

How do you round a fraction to the nearest fourth?

Find a fourth that is just less than (or equal to) the number and the next fourth.Calculate the difference between the number and the two fourths and select the one that gives the smaller difference.Alternatively,Multiply the given number by 4.Round it to the nearest whole number.Divide this nearest whole number by 4.

What is the nearest to 0.39 and 0.34?

The nearest number to 0.39 is 0.4, and the nearest number to 0.34 is 0.3.

How to round 0.06 to a whole number?

0.06 lies between the whole numbers 0 and 1. Difference between 0 and 0.06 is 0.06. Difference between 1 and 0.06 is 0.94 So, 0 is much closer to 0.06 and therefore 0.06 rounded to the nearest whole number is 0.

What is the difference between the greatest number and the least number?

The difference between the greatest and least number is the range.

What decimal numbers are nearest to 20?

If you give me a finite list of numbers, I can spot the one from your list that's nearest to 20. But out of the whole universe of numbers, there's no such thing as one that's nearest to 20. If you walk in with a number which you claim is the nearest possible one to 20, I can always find a different number that's nearer to 20 than yours is. All I need to do is: -- Find the difference between your number and 20. -- Take any number that's smaller than that difference. -- Add it to 20. -- Voila ! Nearer than yours.

How do you round 8.943 to the nearest 1?

To the nearest whole number, 8.943 lies between 8 and 9.8 is 0.943 away while9 is 0.057 away.So 9 is the nearest whole number.To the nearest whole number, 8.943 lies between 8 and 9.8 is 0.943 away while9 is 0.057 away.So 9 is the nearest whole number.To the nearest whole number, 8.943 lies between 8 and 9.8 is 0.943 away while9 is 0.057 away.So 9 is the nearest whole number.To the nearest whole number, 8.943 lies between 8 and 9.8 is 0.943 away while9 is 0.057 away.So 9 is the nearest whole number.