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the difference between them is 4 and 5/8.

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Q: What is the difference between seven and seven eighths and three and one fourth?
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Related questions

What is one fourth plus seven eighths?

nine eighths or one and one eighth.

What does one fourth plus seven eighths equal?

One fourth is equivalent to two eighths so total is nine eighths ie one and one-eighth.

What is 2 and one fourth 4 and three eighths three fourths?

It is seven and three eighths

What is seven eighths take away one Fourth?


How many one-fourth cups are in seven-eighths cup?

7/2 cups

What is the difference of one seven eighths and two and one fourths?

the difference is 3/8

Seven eighths minus one fourth?

five eighths 1/4 = 2/8 7/8 - 2/8 = 5/8

What is seven eighths subtracted by one fourth?

5/8 (7/8 - 2/8)

How is seven eighths minus one fourth more than one half?


What is one fourth plus seven eighths plus two sixteenths?

1 and 1/4.

Is two and one fourth equal to seven eighths?

No, 2 1/4 does not equal 7/8. 7/8 equals .88 ============================== -- First of all, you should be able to instantly recognize that "two and one fourth" is more than ' 1 ', but "seven eighths" is less than ' 1 ', so they can't be equal. -- "Two and one fourth" is the same as eighteen eighths.

How many eighths are there in three and seven eighths?

how many eighths are in tree and seven eighths