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In theory, no difference.

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Q: What is the difference between using 100 watts for 2 hours or 50 watts for 4 hours?
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What is the difference between Watts and Kilowatt hours?

Watts is smaller than kilowatts. watts is unit of power and kilowatts hour is unit of energy. Electrical devices are specified in watts where as electrical bill is for kilowatt hr use.

What is the difference between joules and watts?

A watt is a rate (speed) of using energy ... 1 joule per second.

What it is the difference between 100 watts and 75 watt light bulb?

25 watts?

What is a difference between vollage and watt?

Watts = Volts / Ohms Watts = Volts x Amps

How many hours is there in 200 watts?

In general, you can't convert between incompatible units; in this case you have hours, which is a unit of time, and watts, which is a unit of power.

How many watts if 4 kW for 6 hours?

"Watt" is a rate of using energy."4 kW" means 4,000 watts."4 kW for 6 hours" means 4,000 watts for 6 hours.If you use energy at the rate of 4 kW for 6 hours, then altogether you use24 kilowatt-hours, or 24,000 watt-hours, or 86,400,000 joules.

How much can a 15W circuit breaker handle?

Answer for the US: Breakers are rated in amps, not watts. However, a 15A breaker can handle 15 amps, or about 1800 watts (using 120V), or 3600 watts (using 240V). However, this is only rated for noncontinuous loads (those not lasting for more than three hours). For continuous loads (loads lasting three hours or more), one must derate the circuit breaker by 80%. So for continuous loads, that same breaker should only have 1440 watts (using 120V), or 2880 watts (using 240V) on it.

How much diesel fuel is consumed by a 1KVA diesel generator to produce 1000 watts?

There's really no telling. Watts is an instantaneous measurement, not a sustained value. You could make 1000 watts for a fraction of a second using only the tiniest amount of fuel. Or you could churn out 1000 wats for hours and hours, using Diesel by the gallons.

What is the difference between radiance and luminance?

In understanding the difference between radiance and luminance it is helpful to catagorize them. Radiance is a physical entity that can be directly measured (units is watts)

What is the difference between Watts and Kilowatt-hours?

Watts means the electric power and kilowatthours means electric energy. Compare: Cheers ebs

576Bkwh is how much MW?

You can't convert between watt-hours and watts. That's like converting between mph and miles.

What is the difference between whats and volts?

Watts are the unit for electrical power and volts are the unit for electrical voltage.