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Percent of an objects mass is expressed in terms of its weight. Percent of an objects volume is expressed in terms of its size.

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Q: What is the difference of percent of mass and percent of volume?
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Related questions

What is the formula of the percent of volume and percent of mass?

% of volume = 100*(volume of substance that you are interested in)/(total volume) % of mass = 100*(mass of substance that you are interested in)/(total mass).

What is the difference of percent by mass and percent by volume?

Percent per mass is exprimed in g/Kg, mg/kg, µg/kg, etc. Ex.: An ore contain 10 mg gold/kg ore. Percent per volume is exprimed in volume to volume. Ex.: Vodka contain 40 volumes of ethanol/100 volumes of liquid.

What is percent by mass over volume?


What is the difference in mass and volume?

Mass it how many particles an object has and volume is the space it takes up.

What is the difference between mass and size?

mass deals with density and volume but size deals with volume only.

What is percent by mass and percent by volume?

Percent per mass example: uranium concentration in granite is approh. 4 mg/kg. Percent per volume: uranium concentration in ocean water is approx. 4 micrograms/L.

The difference between volume and mass?

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Volume the amount of space an object has.

How do you calculate the percent chloride with the volhard method?

(mass /volume)x100

What is the difference volume and mass?

mass is weight. volume accounts for size. density of items change therefore masses are not the same as volumes

Mole percent vs volume percent?

Mole percent vs volume percent is a simple comparison to make. Mole percent is equivalent to moles of substance/moles of total x 100. Volume percent is volume of substance/volume of total x 100.

Percent composition is expressed as a percent by?

Percent composition is usually expressed as a percent by mass, but in the case of gases and vapors, it is often expressed as a percent by volume.

How do you calculate density when the volume is higher than the mass?

It makes no difference. Density = mass / volume. You divide the mass by the volume. If the volume is greater than the mass your answer will necessarilybe less than one, but that is still the correct answer showing the density in terms of the units used.