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Q: What is the equal of E power infinity?
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What is e to the power infinity?

E to the power infinity, or lim en as n approaches infinity is infinity.

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What is e to the power minus infinity?

that would be the inverse of e to the plus infinity Answer is thus zero

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What is infinity to the power infinity?

Also infinity. If you are concerned about the size of sets, it is a higher-level (larger) infinity. For example, 2 to the power aleph-zero, or aleph-zero to the power aleph-zero, is equal to aleph-one.

What is 2 power to infinity?

If you raise 2 to an infinite power, you get a higher-order infinity. It is still infinity, but a larger number. For example, 2 to the power beth-0 is equal to beth-1; 2 to the power beth-1 is equal to beth-2, etc. Beth-0 is the infinity of counting numbers and integers, beth-1 is the infinity of real numbers, and with beth-2, it gets a bit hard to visualize. Among other things, beth-2 is the infinity of all possible functions over real numbers.

Why don't negative numbers have logarithms?

10 (or e) to the power of x range from zero to infinity. Lets try the extreme cases: 10^infinity = infinity 10^0 = 1 10^-infinity = 1/infinity = 0

What is infinity raised to the power infinity?


What is value of iota raise to the power iota raise to the power iota till infinity?

the answer is e raise to power minus pi/2

Why e to the power 0 is equal to 1 in exponetial function?

anything to the power of 0 is 1 except for 0. 0^0 is an indeterminate form. one way to demonstrate this is x^a/x^a = x^(a-a) which can be rewritten as 1=x^0. since e is not 0 e^0=1. this only works to numbers not infinity.