

What is the equation for matter?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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14y ago

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There are several equations related to matter. What is it you want to calculate?

There are several equations related to matter. What is it you want to calculate?

There are several equations related to matter. What is it you want to calculate?

There are several equations related to matter. What is it you want to calculate?

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14y ago
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There are several equations related to matter. What is it you want to calculate?

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Q: What is the equation for matter?
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No, E=mc2 is an equation to explain that matter and energy are two different forms that are the same. Matter can turn into energy and energy can turn into matter.

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How do you create matter?

Matter can neither be created or destroyed, only changed into other forms of matter or energy as shown by Einstein's equation: E=MC2 Or, by rearranging the equation: M=E/C2 To create matter you would need to build a device that takes energy and turns it into matter.

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Einstein's equation demonstrated that some of the energy released when the universe began was quickly turned into matter, the first matter in the universe.

What is interconvertibility of matter and energy?

THe Einstein equation: E = mc2.

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Einstein's equation, E=MC2.

Are matter and energy equivalent?

Yes, matter and energy are equivalent and proportional according to the equation E = mc2.

What changes will occur when maxwell's equation is solved for matter?

There's no such process as 'solving an equation for matter'. The only variables that appear anywhere in Maxwell's equations are the electrostatic and magnetic fields, and their products. There's no place to stick matter in any of his four equations.

When subtracting an algebraic equation which comes first a variable or the constant?

It does not matter.

What is the equation that states that matter and energy are interchangeable?

E = mc^2.

Does order matter when subtracting equal value?

no, unless there is more to the equation

What equation allow for the conversion of energy into matter?

E = m c-squared