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Pressure of solid on a solidWhen you apply a force to a solid object, the pressure is defined as the force applied divided by the area of application. The equation for pressure is:

P = F/A


  • P is the pressure
  • F is the applied force
  • A is the surface area where the force is applied
  • F/A is F divided by A

For example, if you push on an object with your hand with a force of 20 pounds, and the area of your hand is 10 square inches, then the pressure you are exerting is 20 / 10 = 2 pounds per square inch.

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Q: What is the equation for pressure when the force is perpendicular to the surface area?
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Pressure is the force over an area applied to an object in a direction perpendicular to the surface. p = F / A where:p is the pressure,F is the normal force,A is the area.

What is The force pushing on a surface divided by the area of that suface?

Pressure. (Note that the force must be perpendicular to the surface.) Pressure can my measured in Pascals (N/m2), psi (pounds/in2), atmospheres, or a few other units.

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Pressure is defined as the force per unit area applied in a direction perpendicular to the surface. The standard unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa). This did not answer my question on how pressure is used.

What is pressure used for?

Pressure is defined as the force per unit area applied in a direction perpendicular to the surface. The standard unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa). This did not answer my question on how pressure is used.

What is the symbol when describing pressure?

Pressure is the force per unit area applied in a direction perpendicular to the surface of an object usually denoted by the symbol p.

Is normal force supplied by the strength of the surface?

A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.

What is the force that acts perpendicular to the surface of contact?

the normal force

Is the reaction force on a surface always perpendicular to the surface?

yes i presume

What is the difference between pressure ane force?

Pressure is the force over an area applied to an object in a direction perpendicular to the surface. Force is a push or pull that can cause an object with mass to accelerate. Force has both magnitude and direction. p = F / A, where:p is the pressure,F is the normal force,A is the area.

How did you find the Force on inclined submerged plane surface?

The best way is to find the centre of surface of planar area. Then the force due to hydrostatic pressure will be:F = d h0 g S,where:F is force,d is density of fluid,h0 is depth at the centre of surface,S is surface of the area.It works because when we consider the centre of surface, there will exactly as much surface with lesser pressure effecting on it as there is surface below the centre point where the pressure is higher.The net force vector will be perpendicular to the area at the centre of surface point.

What type of contact force is perpendicular to the surface of contact?

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