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Q: What is the equation of a line called?
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When a linear equation crosses the x axis what is the point on the line called?

It is called the x-intersect.

What does solving the equation for a line tell us?

A line is represented by an equation. Each solution of the equation is a point on the line, and each point on the line is a solution to the equation. So the line is just the graph of the solution set of the equation.

What is a line that passes through the origin and has a slope of 1 called?

It is a straight line equation in the form of: y = x

Why is y equals ax plus b called the linear equation?

It is not. It is called a LINEAR equation. This is because the word linear refers to a line and, if the solutions of the equation, in the form of ordered pairs (x,y), were plotted on a Cartesian plane, they would all lie on a straight line.

How do you calculate the equation of a line that is undefined?

The equation is the definition of the line.If the line is undefined, then it has no equation.

How do you get the equation using the y intercept?

Every straight line can be represented by an equation: y = mx + b. The coordinates of every point on the line will solve the equation if you substitute them in the equation for x and y.The slope m of this line - its steepness, or slant - can be calculated like this:m = change in y-valuechange in x-valueThe equation of any straight line, called a linear equation, can be written as: y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept.The y-intercept of this line is the value of y at the point where the line crosses the y axis.

What is the equation that show the relationship between coordinates of points on a line called?

It is a straight line equation in the form of y = mx+c whereas m is the slope and c is the y intercept

What is an equation whose graph in a coordinate plane is a straight line called?

It is simply a straight line equation in the form of: y = mx+c whereas m is the slope and c is the y intercept

What is a equation of a line?

The equation of any horizontal line isY = a number

Why is a degree 1 polynomial equation ax plus by equals 0 called a linear equation?

A linear equation is one which represents a straight line. When drawn (y plotted against x), a degree 1 polynomial produces a straight line.