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The equation will be perpendicular to the given equation and have a slope of 3/4:-

Perpendicular equation: y--3 = 3/4(x--2) => 4y--12 = 3x--6 => 4y = 3x-6

Perpendicular equation in its general form: 3x-4y-6 = 0

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Q: What is the equation of the line passing through -2 -3 that is at right angles to the equation 4x plus 3y -5 equals 0 on the Cartesian plane?
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When the x and y axes meet ar right angles on the Cartesian plane then it is at the point of origin which is at (0, 0)

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That depends on the equation that it is perpendicular too which has not been given but both equations will meet each other at right angles.

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