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Any even number greater than two.

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Q: What is the example numbers of composite numbers?
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What are composite numbers give examples?

Composite numbers have more than two factors as for example 9 and 48

What are the definition of composite numbers?

composite numbers are numbers who have more than 2 factors example 10 the factors of 10 are 1,2,5,10.10 has more than 2 factors ,so it is a composite no.

Are composite numbers closed under addition?

No, they are not. You can add two composite numbers, 15 and 14 for example, and get a sum, 29, that is prime.

What is an example list that contains only composite numbers?

All even numbers from 4 upwards are composite numbers and that 2 is the only even prime number.

Is the addition of two composite numbers also a composite number?

Not necessarily. For example 15 and 16 are composite numbers. They add to 31, which is a prime number. Similarly, the composite numbers 20 and 21 add up to 41, which is a prime number.

How is 9 and 15 the only numbers that are composite in 20?

The statement is simply not true! For example, 6 is composite.

Is the sum of two composite numbers also composite?

Not always as for example 20+9 = 29 which is a prime number

What composite numbers have GCF of 1?

Any consecutive composite integers, like 34 and 35.

What is an example of a number that is not composite?

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31 are prime numbers. they are not composite numbers.

Do composite numbers include 1 and itself?

No, those are prime numbers. Composite numbers can have besides 1 and itself. For example, let's say the number is 35. You can multiply 1 and 35, but you can also say 5 multiplied by 7. That is composite.

What are consecutive composite numbers?

Consecutive composite numbers are a sequence of natural numbers that are non-prime and immediately follow each other. For example, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 are consecutive composite numbers.

Is the number 24 a prime or composite?

24 is composite because it can factored or split up as 24 = 3 * 8 for example. Prime numbers, such as 23, can not be split into factors.