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Susanna Doyle

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Q: What is the expression divided by 2 multiply by 4?
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"9 divided by 3" and "2 divided by 4" can be evaluated simultaneously.

What does a parenthesis mean in a mathematical expression without an operation?

Multiply eg: 4(3+2)=20

What is an equivalent division problem?

In equivalent division, you multiply (or divide) the dividend and the divisor by the same number to form a new problem that is easier to calculate metally. The new problem will produce the same quotient. ie: 2 divided by 1/2, if you multiply 2 by 2 you get 4 and if you multiply 1/2 by 2 you get 1. 4 divided by 1 = 4. This is the same as the answer to 2 divided by 1/2 (4), it is just easier to do in your head.

What is the answer to v divided by 4?

The expression is: v/4

What is 4th triangular?

Well, its simple really. The expression for triangular is n(n+1) over 2 (divided by 2). You would then plug in the number 4 (because of 4th triangular). The equation would now be 4(4+1) over 2. Now you would do the parentheses making the problem 4(5) (4 times five) over 2. Than you would multiply 4 and 5 now making your problem 20 over 2 (or 20 divided by 2). 20 divided by 2 equals 10 making the final answer 10.

What is the numerical expression of fourteen divided by the sum of three and four?

It is 14/(3+4) = 2

What is the numerical expression of fourteen divided by sum of three and four?

14/(3 + 4) = 2

How do you make 24 with 8 2 7 4?

8 divided by 2 = 4, multiply 4 by 7 = 28, subtract 4 from that = 24.

When dividing by a fraction you can multiply by the instead?

when diving by a fraction, multiply by the reciprocal. Ex. 1/2 divided by 1/4 is actually 1/2 x 4/1 or just (4) 1/2x 4= 2