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Q: What is the expression for the difference between five times a number and twice that number?
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What is the expression for the difference of five times a number and twice that number?

|5n - 2n|

What is the expression for The difference between four times a number and three times that number?

The expression would be abs(4n - 3n) where (4n - 3n) could be simplified to 1n or n. When n is positive, the result is n when n is negative, the result is -n (which will be positive).

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The difference of thirteen times a number and four.

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Four times X plus 3 equals seven. 4X + 3 = 7 That!

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What is the expression for the difference of 3 and 5 times a number?

I believe it would be 3-5x (x being the number multiplied by 5)

The product of a and b divided by an expression that is 3 times their difference?

The answer to the product of a and b divided by an expression that is 3 times their difference is 3ab(a+b).

Write an expression for the phrase 4 times the difference of 6 and a number y?

X = 4(6-y)

What is the difference between 3 times 5 and 4?

The difference between 3 times 5 (3 * 5) and 4 is that 3 times 5 equals 15 while 4 is a single numerical value. The expression 3 * 5 represents the multiplication of 3 and 5, resulting in the product of 15. The number 4 is unrelated to this multiplication.