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The next such number is 106646.

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Q: What is the first number greater than 106637 where its thousand and unit digits are the same?
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Find the first number greater than 106637 where its thousands and units digits are the same?


Find the first number greater than 106637 where its tens and units digits are the same?

it is 106,644

When would you round to the greater thousand?

Round up to the greater thousand if:the last three digits of the number are greater than 500, orthe last three digits of the number are 500 and the greater thousand is even.Round down to the smaller thousand if:the last three digits of the number are less than 500, orthe last three digits of the number are 500 and the lesser thousand is even.Many schools teach that 500 should always be rounded up. This is a simpler rule but is wrong since such rounding introduces a bias in the results.

Why is any number with the most digits greater?

It is greater because with more digits the greater the value of the number will be.

Which is greater the greatest whole hnumber with 5 digits or the whole number wit 6 digits?

which is greater, whole number with 5 digits or the whole number with 6 digits?

Which is greater the greatest whole number with 5 digits or the least whole number with 6 digits?

The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.

Which is greater the greatest whole number with five digits or the least whole number with 6 digits?

Integers of 6 digits are normally greater than integers of 5 digits

Which is greater the greatest whole number with 5 digits or least whole number with 6 digits and explain why?

The greatest whole number with 5 digits is 99,999. The next greater whole number is 100,000, which is the least whole number having 6 digits.

How many digits are in ten thousand?

There are 5 digits in the number 10000.

Which is greater of two positive numbers?

It's the number that has more digits to the left of the decimal point (if there is no decimal point, it's the number with more digits). If the number of digits to the left of the decimal point is the same, find the position farthest to the left where the digits are different. The number with the greater of those two digits is the greater number. For example, 10000 is greater than 9999 because 10000 has more digits, and 6350 is greater than 6349 because the farthest-left position that is different is the tens place, and 5 is greater than 4.

Which is greater the greatest whole number with 4 digits or the least whole number with 5 digits?

Any 5-digit number is greater than a 4-digit one.

Which is greater the greatestwhole number with 5 digits or the least whole number with 6 digits?

The least whole number with 6 digits, since 100000 > 99999