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The area of a circle is pi times r squared.

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Q: What is the formula for a circle in math?
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What is the math formula for the diameter of a circle?

radius times two

How do you find the of a circumference of circle in math?

the formula is: circumference= p*diameter

What does pi r squared mean in math?

That's the formula for the area of a circle.

How do you get the value of a circle without using mathematical formulas?

You don't... I am a math teacher... you need to use the formula!

How do you get the area of a cylinder base in fifth grade math.?

The base of a cylinder is a circle. So we can use the area formula for a circle. Area = πr2 where r is the radius of the circle, and pi is the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter.

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The length of one arch of a cycloid generated by a circle of radius r is 8r.

What is math formula for figuring out radius of a circle without dividing by diameter?

circumference divided by pie divided by two

What is a circle in math terms?

A circle.

What is the area of the circle with a 10 radius?

Here is the formula for area (you do the math) pi = 3.14 r = radius Area = pi * r2

What is a definition for rule in math?

the definition of rule in math is what step you need to answer a question. what should you do to answer a have to follow the rule to able to answer a problem..for example :-to find the area of a circle. you have to follow the formula of the circle . which is A= radius square pi. if u follow the rule your answer will be correct.....

What is the formula for a volume of an circle?

The formula is:Volume of a circle = 0

What is the formula for Bh for circle?

Area formula for circle= --,,- r 2