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The formula for finding the surface area of a rectangle is length x width. 3.14 is the value for pi and is used for circles, cylinders, and spheres and has nothing to do with rectangles.

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Q: What is the formula for finding the surface area using 3.14 for a rectangle?
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How do you write a formula for finding a rectangle using the letters p b and h?

p = 2*(b+h)

What is another way of finding the surface area besides using a formula?

there isn't one

How do you prove the formula for the area of a rectangle?

The formula for the area of a rectangle is length x breadth. In order to prove this works, work out an area of a rectangle using that formula.

What is the formula for finding the surface area using 3.14?

Assuming that 3.14 is pi, then most likely you're looking for the surface area of a circle, which is pi x r2.

What is the formula for suface area of a rectangle?

The formula for a rectangle is height x width (A=ab)Since you said surface area, I'm pretty sure that you might mean a rectangular prism. To get this, you would need to find the area of each "rectangle side". To do this, you use the first formula, using height (a), width (b), and depth (c). The formula for theSurface Area of a Rectangular Prism = 2ab + 2bc + 2ac

What is the formula for fixed area of a rectangle?

Area rectangle = length x width (using same units).

What is the formula for finding the height of a triangle?

using a protractor

What is the area of a rectangle 7inches by 8inches?

Using the basic formula for the area of any rectangle; A=bh The area is 56 inches.

What is the formula for finding the surface area using 3.14 for rectangular prism?

The formula for finding the surface area of a rectangular prism is 2(wh + lw + lh), where w is width, h is height, and l is length. 3.14 is the value for pi, which is only used for circular objects, like circles, cylinders, and spheres. It has nothing to do with rectangular prisms. Click on the related link below for an illustration of the formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle with a length of 8 inches is 48 square inches?

You must first calculate the width, using the formula for the area of a rectangle (plug in the numbers you know into the formula, and solve for width). Once you know this, you can plug in the numbers in the formula for a rectangle's perimeter.

What is the formula for finding the surface area of a cylinder?

The surface area of a cylinder can be found using the following formula - SA = 2(Pi*r2) + (2*Pi*r)*(H) Pi = Approximately 3.14 r = Radius of the base of the cylinder H = Height of the cylinder

Can the perimeter of a rectangle can be found using the formula P 4s.?

Not really. All 4 sides of a rectangle are not the same (unless it is a square)