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There is no formula for how many sides there are in a polygon; the name of the polygon shows how many sides it has.

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Q: What is the formula for how many sides are in a polygon?
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Sum of sides of a polygon?

There is not a general formula for the sum of the sides of an arbitrary polygon.

How many sides does a 1260 degree polygon have?

A 1260 degree polygon has nine sides. The formula for determining this is (n*180)+2, with n being equal to the degrees in the interior of the polygon.

What is the formula to find the sides of a regular polygon?

360/exterior angle = number of sides of a regular polygon

How many sides are in a regular polygon with an interior angle of 172.5?

48 sides A formula for finding the number of sides of a regular polygon given an interior angle: 360/(180-angle)=sides

How can you tell how many diagonals a polygon has without drawing the figure?

the formula is: # of sides x (# of sides - 3) / 2

How many triangles does a polygon have?

It varies regarding the number of sides of polygon.Additional Information:-The formula is for any polygon: n-2 = number of interior triangles whereas n represents the number of sides of the polygon

What are the two ways of finding the number of sides of a polygon which has 189 diagonals?

By using the polygon diagonal formula or the quadratic equation formula in which in both formulae they work out that the polygon in question has 21 sides.

How many sides does the polygon have?

A polygon does not have a set number of sides.

How many sides does a regular polygon have if each angle measures 144 degrees?

We have the interior angle 144∘ . We can find the number of sides using the formula as follows. Thus, the polygon has 10 angles and 10 sides.

How many sides does a polygon have with 35 diagonals?

It has 10 sides because using the formula 0.5*(102-30) = 35 diagonals

How many sides are in a polygon with 8 sides?

There are 8 sides in the polygon with 8 sides (an octagon).

How many diagonals in a polygon with 14 sides?

Using the formula: 0.5*(142-42) = 77 diagonals