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There can be no such formula in general. A formula will exist if the area is a regular polygon (or a circle).

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Q: What is the formula for surface area if the only measurement you have is the perimeter?
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What is the formula of surface area of the prism?

Surface Area = 2 × Base Area + Base Perimeter × Length

What does the P stand for in the surface area formula?

Stands for perimeter.

Is 56cm a perimeter or area?

It must be a perimeter. An area measurement would a square measurement like 56cm². ■

What is the formula surface area to a triangular prism?

Area of triangle * 2 + perimeter of triangle * length.

Is perimeter and area the same?

No , perimeter is the measurement outside of the shape; the border. Area is the measurement of inside of the shape.

What is the formula for surface area of a pyramid?

Total surface area= 1/2 times the perimeter of the base times the slant height plus the area of the base Lateral surface area= 1/2 times the perimeter times the slant height

Surface area formula of a prism?

The exact answer will depend on what information you have. But generally speaking, Surface area = Perimeter of cross section x Length

Define surface area?

Surface area is the total space that a three-dimensional object occupies. When using the mathematical formula for its shape you get the surface area measurement.

Which formula can be used to find the surface area of a rectangular prism?

surface area=(perimeter of base)x(height of the shape)+(area of the base)x(2)

What is the formula of area and perimeter in 3 grade?

Area is the number of square unit needed to cover a surface. Perimeter of a figure is the distance around the figure Perimeter is measurements of each sides added.

What is the surface area of a cube with 10 inches per sides?

The surface area is 600 sq. inches. The formula for surface area of a cube is 6s^2 where s is the side length. The general surface area formula is 2B+Ph where B is the area of the base, P is the perimeter of the base and h is the height.

What is the formula for finding surface area of a trapezoidal prism?

Perimeter = area + b1 + b2 + c P = a + b1 + b2 + c