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The answer is squareroot r2+h2 squareroot radiusxradius + heightxheight

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Q: What is the formula to find slant height of cone and curved surface area of cone and volume of a cone?
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What formula do you use to measure a cylinder?

if u r talking about its volume then its formula is 22/7 . square of radius . height and its curved surface area is 22/7 r l

How do you find the height and surface area of a cylinder with only a radius and volume?

Use the formula for the volume. Replace the data you know (radius and volume), and solve for the missing data (the height). Once you have this height, it is easy to use the formula for the surface area.

What is the formula of finding the height of a cone?

It depends on what information you have: its radius and slant height, radius and volume, radius and surface area, surface area and volume, etc.

A cone of height 24cm has a curved surface area of 550cm sq find it's volume?

Curved surface area = pi*radius*slant length Voume in cubic cm = 1/3*pi*radius2*height

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What is the formula for surface area and volume of cuboid?

Volume = Height × Width × Depth Surface area=2(lw+wh+hl)

What is the volume of a cone if the curved surface area of the cone is 550 cm and its height is 25 cm?

Volume of a cone in cubic units = 1/3*pi*radius squared*height

What is the formula in finding the radius of a cylinder?

The answer depends on what information you are given: volume and height, or surface area and height, etc.

What is the total area of a cone with a volume of 2560 cm3 and a height of 30 cm?

The total curved surface area is 888.5 cm2

What is the formula for volume and surface area of a cylinder?

* means times/multiplied by Volume of cylinder: pi*radius sq.*height Surface Area of Cylinder: (2*pi*radius sq.) + (2*pi*radius*height) Formula For Surface Area sa=(2x(3.14)r2+[2x(3.14)xr]xh Formula For Volume (3.14)r2xh

What is the formula for finding the length if you have the volume height and width?

volume = length*height*width Rearrange the formula: length = volume/height*width

What is the farmula of cylinder?

That depends what you want to calculate (surface area, volume, etc.). For the volume, use the formula pi x radius2 x height.