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If the base is a rectangle, use the formula for the area of a rectangle.

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Q: What is the formula to find the area of the base of a rectangular prism?
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What is the formula for the area of a base for a rectangular prism?


What is the formula for finding the base of a prism?

The base of a prism is always rectangular, so the area, A, =lw. l is length, w is width, of the base.

How do you find the answer of the base area of a rectangular prism?

The base of a rectangular prism is a rectangle. The area of a rectangle is length times width.

What is the formula of finding base area of a rectangular prism?

The base of a rectangular prism is just an old familiar 2D rectangle. All the old familiar 2D formulas for rectangles still apply to it.

Surface area of rectangular pyramid?

Suppose that the area of the rectangular base is: lw then if the height is: h the surface area is: lw + lh + wh I believe that formula is for the surface area of a rectangular prism...

Which formula can be used to find the surface area of a rectangular prism?

surface area=(perimeter of base)x(height of the shape)+(area of the base)x(2)

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism if you know the area and height?

Volume of rectangular prism = area of base x height

What is the formula for area of an rectangular prism?

v=B*H B= area of the Base so... v= (b*h)*h

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

What is the base of a rectangular prism?

The base of a rectangular prism is a base of a rectangle!

What is the formula to find the base on a rectanglar?

A rectanglar or even rectangular, is an adjective and there is no such thing. You can have a rectangular pyramid or a rectangular prism. The formula will depend on which of these it is and on what information is available to you.

How do you find base area of rectangular prism if you know volume and height?

Volume of a rectangular prism = base x height. If volume and height are known, solve for base area by dividing volume by height.