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0.17 Hz

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Q: What is the frequency of a wave with a period of 6 seconds?
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What are the frequency and period of a wave if 6 peaks pass in 2 seconds?

The frequency is 6 per 2 seconds = 3 Hz. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency = 1/3 second.

What is the wave frequency of a periodic wave of 6 s?

Frequency = 1 / (period) = 1/6th Hz

What is the wave frequency in hertz of 6 waves in 30 seconds?


What is the speed of a wave 30 meters long with a period of 5 seconds?

Speed = (wavelength) times (frequency) = (wavelength) divided by (period) = 30/5 = 6 meters per second

A water wave has a frequency of 6 Hz and a wavelength of 3 m What is the period of these waves and What is the wave velocity?

Period = 1 / (frequency) = 1 / 6th of a second = [166 and 2/3] millisecondsSpeed = (wavelength) x (frequency) = 6 x 3 = [18] meters per second

An oscilloscope shows a wave repeating every 27 microseconds. What is the frequency of the wave?

Frequency = reciprocal of (' 1 ' divided by) the period = 1 / (27 x 10-6) = 37,037.037 Hz (rounded)

If the period of a certain sine wave is 2.5 ms what is its frequency?

The definiton of period (T) Is T = 1/f ; Therefore if you know that the period is 2.5 microseconds (=2.5 x 10-6) then the frequency is f=1/(2.5x10-6)= 4 x 105 Hz

As you sit on a dock you notice a wave crest pass You count another four wave crests in the next 12 seconds What is the frequency of these waves?

16 wave crests in 8 seconds is the same as 2 per second. 2 is the frequency - 2 Hertz, to be precise.16 wave crests in 8 seconds is the same as 2 per second. 2 is the frequency - 2 Hertz, to be precise.16 wave crests in 8 seconds is the same as 2 per second. 2 is the frequency - 2 Hertz, to be precise.16 wave crests in 8 seconds is the same as 2 per second. 2 is the frequency - 2 Hertz, to be precise.

If you see an ocean wave hit the beach every 8 seconds what is its frequency?

1 wave / 8 seconds = 0.125 waves per second

The distance between two wave crests in the water is 3 meters a swimmer notices one wave goes by every 6 seconds what is the speed of the waves?

here the distance between the two crests is 6mt so the wavelength of the wave is 6 m and 1 wave goes every 6 sec so the frequency of the wave is 1/t=1/6 so the velocity of wave is 3*(1/6)=1/2mt/sec

What is the length of an elcetromagnetic wave that has a frequency of 6 kHz?

Wavelength = (wave speed) / (frequency) = (299,792,458)/(6,000) = 49.965 kilometers(in vacuum, rounded)

How do you find the velocity of a wave with a frequency of 6 Hz and a wavelength of 2 m?

Velocity=frequency*wavelength 6*2=12ms-1