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Freq = Speed/Wavelength = 37.5/25 Hz = 1.5 Hz

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Q: What is the frequency of a wave with a wavelength of 25 meter and a speed of 37.5 meters per second?
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What are the metric units for wavelength frequency?

Wavelength is a length. Hence, the metric unit for it is "meter". Frequency is a reciprocal of time. Hence, the unit for it is "per second", named "Hertz".

What is the frequency of a wave that has a wavelength of 10 meters and is traveling at 7 meter per second?

Frequency here would be.....,Frequency = velocity/wavelengthFrequency = 7(m/s)/10 meters= 0.7 s -1=======

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Wave speed = (frequency) x (wavelength) = (80 per second) x (0.16 meter) = 12.8 meters/second

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Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) = (340) / (20,000) = 0.017 meter = 1.7 centimeter

How do you convert heartz to meter?

The frequency of a radio wave in Hertz (cycles per second) multiplied by the wavelength of the radio signal (in meters) is always equal to the speed of light, which is equal to The speed of light has the symbol "c". So Frequency/c = wavelength, and wavelength/c = frequency. == ==

What is the frequency of a water wave that has a speed of 0.4 meter per second and a wavelength of 0.02 meter?

Divide the speed by the wavelength. (For any wave, the wavelength times the frequency is equal to the speed of the wave.)

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The formula for a wave in this case is: speed = frequency x wavelength. Since Hz = 1/second, the answer will be in meter/second.

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3.8 mm = 0.0038 meter(340 meters per second) / (0.0038 meter) = 89,474 per second = 89,474 Hz. (rounded)

What is its wavelength in meters if The frequency of a microwave signal is 9.76 GHz?

Wavelength = (speed of light) divided by (frequency) = (3 x 108) / (9.76 x 109) = 0.03074 meter

A musical tone sounded on a piano has a frequency of 410 Hz and a wavelength of 80m What is the speed of the sound wave?

speed of emission = wavelength per cycle * cycles per second 80 * 410 = 32,800 meters per second. (Significant figures rules may apply so 33,000 may also be a correct answer).

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5 x 1018 kilometers

What is the frequency of blue light with a wavelength of 550 nanometers?

f=c/lambda frequency = 299792458 divided by wavelength The freq is in Kilohertz, and the wavelength is in meters. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. I'll let you figure out how to move the decimals points.