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If only there were an equation that related the speed of EM waves, wavelength, and frequency...


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The frequency of an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength of 1 mm is 300 GHz. This is calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Substituting the values in gives us 300 GHz.

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Q: What is the frequency of an EM wave that has a wavelength of 1 mm?
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If a wave has a wavelength of 10 mm and a frequency of 5.0 hertz what is the speed?

The speed of the wave can be calculated using the formula v = fλ, where v is the speed, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. Plugging in the values, we get v = 5.0 Hz * 10 mm = 50 mm/s.

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of 10 mm and a frequency of 5.0 Hz?

The speed of a wave can be calculated using the formula v = λ * f, where v is the speed, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency. Plugging in the values: v = 10 mm * 5.0 Hz = 50 mm/s.

What is the frequency of light whose wavelength is 633 mm?

Speed (of a wave) = frequency x wavelengthTherefore, you have to: * Convert the wavelength to meters. * Divide the speed of light - which is 300 million meters/second - by this wavelength. The answer will be in Hz.

What is the frequency of light traveling in a vacuum with a wavelength of 1 mm?

The frequency of light can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters/second, and 1 mm is equal to 0.001 meters. Therefore, the frequency of light with a wavelength of 1 mm is approximately 3 x 10^11 Hz.

What is the frequency of green light waves with a wavelength of 520mm?

To calculate the frequency of green light waves with a wavelength of 520 mm, you can use the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. The speed of light is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 m/s. First, convert the wavelength from mm to meters by dividing by 1000. Then, plug the values into the formula to find the frequency in Hz.

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If a wave has a wavelength of 10 mm and a frequency of 5.0 hertz what is the speed?

The speed of the wave can be calculated using the formula v = fλ, where v is the speed, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. Plugging in the values, we get v = 5.0 Hz * 10 mm = 50 mm/s.

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of MM and a frequency of Hz?

The speed of a wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and its frequency. (If you want to have the speed in meters/second, convert the wavelength to meters first.)

A wave has a wavelength of 15 mm and a frequency of 4.0 hertz What is its speed?

60 mm/s

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of 10 mm and a frequency of 5.0 Hz?

The speed of a wave can be calculated using the formula v = λ * f, where v is the speed, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency. Plugging in the values: v = 10 mm * 5.0 Hz = 50 mm/s.

What is the minimum wavelength of a radio wave?

Extra-low frequency radio waves can have wavelengths as long as 3.5 miles or more. The shortest wavelength is around 1 mm.

What is the frequency of light whose wavelength is 633 mm?

Speed (of a wave) = frequency x wavelengthTherefore, you have to: * Convert the wavelength to meters. * Divide the speed of light - which is 300 million meters/second - by this wavelength. The answer will be in Hz.

What is the frequency of light traveling in a vacuum with a wavelength of 1 mm?

The frequency of light can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters/second, and 1 mm is equal to 0.001 meters. Therefore, the frequency of light with a wavelength of 1 mm is approximately 3 x 10^11 Hz.

What is the wavelength and frequency for radio waves?

The wavelength is greater than 300E6/300E9 = 1 mm and the frequency is less than about 300 Gigacycles.

What is the wavelength of microwave radiation when the frequency is 6.00x1010?

Electromagnetic wavelength = speed/frequency = 3 x 108/6 x 1010 = 5 mm

The sound emitted by bats has a wavelength of 3.8 mm What is the sound's frequency in air?

To find the frequency, we can use the equation: speed = frequency x wavelength. The speed of sound is approximately 343 m/s in air. So, the frequency of the bat's sound wave would be (343 m/s) / (3.8 mm = 0.0038 m) = 90,263 Hz.

What is the frequency of green light waves with a wavelength of 520mm?

To calculate the frequency of green light waves with a wavelength of 520 mm, you can use the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. The speed of light is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 m/s. First, convert the wavelength from mm to meters by dividing by 1000. Then, plug the values into the formula to find the frequency in Hz.

What is the wavelength when the frequency is 900 MHz?

The wavelength can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency. At a frequency of 900 MHz (900 x 10^6 Hz), the wavelength would be approximately 0.333 meters (333 mm) in free space.