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This is a sense organ located on the finger tips and other parts of the skin in hairless areas. It is a group of cells that form an oval and are attached to a sensory nerve.

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Q: What is the function of Meissners Corpuscles?
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Meissner's corpuscles

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Arrector Pili - because it does not have sensory detection.

What is the main function of white corpuscles?

Their main function is to carry oxygen throughout the body

What are meissners corpuscle sensitive to?

pressure / vibration /touch /stretch ......

Is the main function of white blood cells to fight infections?

Blood has a fluid matrix called plasma in which red blood corpuscles [RBCs]and white blood corpuscles[WBCs] and blood platelets are suspended. the main function is that blood transports gases ,digested foods,hormones to different parts of the body.

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When white corpuscles eat red corpuscles what is the name of the condition?

Perneciuos Aneamia

What layer of skin contains pacinian corpuscles?

The pacinian corpuscle is present in the dermis layer of the skin. Its function is to detect deep pressure and vibration.

Where are red and white corpuscles found?

Red and white corpuscles can be found in blood. Red corpuscles account for forty to fifty percent of the blood's volume.

What is the function of the sensory organ?

Meissner's corpuscles; pain and touch receptors, Pacinian corpuscles; pressure receptors, hair follicle receptors; light touch receptors, Rufini's corpuscles; respond to deep pressurethat recieve the stimulus

Does the dermis lack sensory corpuscles and glands?

The dermis contains sensory corpuscles and glands..

What are the different kinds of cells in the blood?

Red Blood Corpuscles White Blood Corpuscles Platelets