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Q: What is the function of quadrant in plate streaking technique?
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What is the technique you used in purify the bacterial culture on a plate?

Selective media, combined with quadrant streaking to dilute the sample into individual colonies.

Why can't we talk when streaking LB Agar plates?

Because when u talk while streaking some bacteria could come from your mouth and get on the plate from spit or somehow. There fore talking is not a very good aseptic technique.

Advantages of pour plate method over other methods of bacterial colony?

The purpose of the spread-plate technique is to grow and isolate colonies of bacteria. A sample of bacteria is transferred to the agar plate, an environment that provides nourishment for the bacteria to grow. The bacteria sample is applied to the agar plate which a special streaking technique that dilutes the amount of bacteria in each section of the agar plate continuously. This is because if you just swabbed the bacteria onto the plate with no special technique the colonies would grow very densely together and be difficult to study. The streaking technique gradually dilutes the amount of bacteria in each 'quadrant' of the plate, so the last quadrant should have small, isolated colonies that can be easily studied. The spread plate technique is also used for the eneumeration of aerobic microorganisms from the given sample. This can be done by serial diluting the samples, placing 0.1ml of the diluted sample in the middle of an agar plate and spreading the sample over the surface with a help of an L-rod. After the incubation rhe colonies can be counted.

What is the differences between a streak plate technique and a serial dilution technique?

what is serial dilution and spread plate technique

What is crowded plate technique?

Williston and waksman discovered the crowdwed plate technique.

The white powder left behind by a mineral on a white tile?

When you rub a mineral on a tile it is called streaking a mineral. The line that is left is called the streak, and the tile itself is called a streaking plate.

What is strip plate technique?

i'ts where you strip in front of a plate

Why does the streaking method you used to inoculate you plates result in isolated colonies?

In the streak plate technique, a loop is used to streak the mixed sample many times over the surface of a solid culture medium in a Petri plate. Theoretically, the process of streaking the loop repeatedly over the agar surface causes the bacteria to fall off the loop one by one and ultimately to be distributed over the agar surface, where each cell develops into a colony.

What is the significance of using a 'dry and hard' agar plate in streak plating?

Why is it impotant to use dry and hard agar for streaking

What are the steps in properly streaking a plate?

When we have to isolate a specific microbial species from their mix culture or to grow any microbe on solid surface for their further studies then they can be grow on a culture medium containing a gel like substance known as agar which produce disticnt microbial colonies when inoculate in a petri dish containing the growth medium. The way by which the inoculation of microbial sample done is called a streak plate method in which the microbial sample is streak with the help of inoculating loop on the agar plate firmly, in the way so that the cell can be isolated. There are two more method to incoulate the microbial sample that are: pour plate and spread plate techniques.

A piece of string 25cm long goes exactly once around the edge of a plate in the form of a quadrant Calculate the area of the quadrant?

Presumably the plate is completely flat. The circumference will be 4*25 = 100 cm. First find the radius of the plate by rearranging the formula: 2*pi*radius = 100cm radius = 100/2*pi = 15.91549431 cm. Now use the formula pi*radius2 to find the area of the plate, and then divide your answer by 4 to give you the area of the quadrant. pi*15.915494312 = 795.7747155/4 = 198.9436789cm2. Therefore, the area of the quadrant is 199 cm2 correct to three significant figures.

One of the four regions in a coordinate plate separated by an x-axis and a y-axis?

A quadrant.