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Q: What is the largest whole number that will make this true m to the nearest 600?
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You would need to round it to the nearest whole number.

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What is largest whole number you can make with 5827 and 4 just once?

Reordering the digits, the largest is 87542.

How can you make a the largest whole number with only 2 digits?

You go for 99.

How do you make 6.421 to the nearest whole number?

It is 6 because .4 is less than .5

Why does it make sense to round a mixed number to the nearest whole number when estimating a sum or difference Could you round to the nearest one half instead?

Some people find it easier to add or subtract whole numbers but yes, you could round to the nearest half.

What is 3.16 rounded to the nearest whole number?

3.16 in nearest to 3. This is because the decimal number (.16) is under .50 anything above .50 would make it 4.

How do you make a fraction into a whole?

A fraction is generally not a whole number, so you can't "make it into a whole" - any whole number would not have the same value. You can round a fraction to the nearest integer, if you like - but note that you would lose some precision if you do so.

What is the largest whole number you can make using each of these digits 5827 and 4?

4^5827 which is approximately 1.597973114x103508

What is 18.94 round to the nearest whole number?

18.94 rounded to the nearest whole number would be 19 because 9 would make the 8 go up one so it would be 19.00 or just 19 but think 5 and up changes the number to round up 4 and down makes the number stay the same