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Q: What is the least five decimal number less than 1 whose nonzero digits are 5 and 7 only?
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What is least four digit decimal number less than 1 whose nonzero digits are 3 and 5?

The answer is -5300.

Steps in determining significant figure and digits?

Rules for determining significant figures1. All nonzero digits are significant.2. All zeroes between nonzero digits are significant.3. Zeroes to the right of a nonzero digit, but to the left of an understooddecimal point, are not significant.If such zeroes are known to have been measured, however, they aresignificant and should be specified as such by inserting a decimal point to theright of the last zero.4. In numbers less than one, zeroes to the right of a decimal point that areto the left of the first nonzero digit are never significant.They are simply placeholders.5. In numbers less than one, the zero to the left of the decimal point isnever significant.6. All zeroes to the right of a decimal point and to the right of a nonzerodigit are significant.

What is the least five-digit decimal number less than 1 whose nonzero digits are 5 and 7 only?

I'm pretty sure that would be, 0.55555. But it could also be .00005. Don't take my word for it. I have used no sources but what I already know.

What is the least number with three places to the right of the decimal that can be created with the digits 64 and 7 assume that the digits cannot be repeated?


Does every number have a least common multiple?

Every nonzero number has multiples. Every set of nonzero numbers has an LCM.

What number does not appear in the first 31 digits of pi?

Every digit appears at least once in the first 31 decimal digits of pi.

If you add a mass of 3.7 g to a mass of 9.495 g the sum with the correct number of significant digits is?

13.2 3.7 has one digit after the decimal and 9.495 has three digits after the decimal You take the least number, which is one. The final answer has one digit after the decimal.

Which is greater the greatest whole number with 5 digits or the least whole number with 6 digits?

The least whole number with 6 digits is greater because it has more digits than 5 digits.

Which is greater the greatestwhole number with 5 digits or the least whole number with 6 digits?

The least whole number with 6 digits, since 100000 > 99999

How many digits should there be before the decimal point?

At least 1

How many decimal places would you report the following number in considering significant digits?

The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.

Put in order least to greatest 1.11 111 1.01 1.0011?

least to greatest as in number value would be: 1.0011, 1.01, 1.11, 111. The more digits after a decimal the smaller the number usually.