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Q: What is the least whole number between 100 and 1000 that rounds down to the hundred below it?
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What is the greatest whole number between 100 and 1000 that rounds down to the hundred below it?

949, which rounds down to 900.

What is the least whole number between 100 and 1000 that rounds down to the number below it?

It depends on what you are rounding to.

How does knowing where the halfway point is help you find which hundred thousand 138202 is closest to?

Anything halfway and above rounds up. Anything below halfway rounds down. To the nearest hundred thousand, 138202 rounds to 100000 because it is below 150000

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How do you get greatest and least number of 30000?

If you are rounding to the nearest ten thousand, anything 25000 and above rounds up. Anything 34999 and below rounds down.

How do you round 4.6?

Round it up to 7. 4.6...74.4 and below rounds down to 4.

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Why do you round up numbers?

when ever you see a number that is over 50 you goo to the nect hundred when ever you see a number below 50 you go to the hundred your counting by

How do you estimate by rounding?

Rounding is when you take a decimal or fraction and make it the closest whole number. If the number you are rounding is five or higher round up and if it's four or below round down. For instance, 7.2 rounds down to 7, 6.8 rounds up to 7.

How do you round a remainder into a whole number?

There are multiple methods of rounding but the most common by far is to round up to the next whole number at .5 and higher (1/2 or more) and round down below .5 (less than 1/2). Ex: 10.1 rounds down to 10 10.49 rounds down to 10 10.5 rounds up to 11 10.99 rounds up to 11 10-1/2 rounds up to 11 10-29/60 rounds down to 10

how do i round 3421 to the nearest hundred?

3400 We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above. We round the number down to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 49 or below. If the last two digits are 00, then we do not have to do any rounding, because it is already to the hundred.