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Each edge is 6

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Q: What is the length of a edge of the cube in centimeter if the the volume of the cube is 216?
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If a cube has a volume of 64 cubic centimeter what is the length?

Each edge length is 4 cm

What is the cube root of volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)

What is the edge of a cube whose volume is 1384 cubic centimeter?

The cubic root of 1384 is 11.1441 cm length

THe lenght of each edge of a solid cube is 5cm.calculate its volume?

Its 125 cm^3 As volume of a cube is equal to the multiplication of its length width and hight .If each edge has 5cm length than the answer will be Volume =5 X 5 X5 Volume= 125 cubic centimeter

Volume of cube is 1 cubic decimeter. what is the length of the cube's edge?

The cube's edge length is 1 decimeter.

How is volume calculated for a cube?

its the cube of the length of the edge.

The length of one edge of a cube is 10cm what is the volume?

If the length of one edge of a cube is 10cm its volume is: 1,000 cm3

How do you find the volume of a cube if only one edge is given?

You cube the edge length.

What is the volume of a cube shaped box if the inside edge length is 3 inches?

3x3x3=9. 9cm^3 (9 centimeter cubed)

What is the volum of a cube?

The volume of a cube is the length of an edge times itself and times itself again. X= Length of an edge Volume is X*X*X or X3

What is the Length of a cube whose volume is 44.4 liters?

The length (edge length) of a cube with a volume of 44.4 liters is: 1.162 feet.

If a cube has a volume of 150 cubic centimeters What is the length of one edge?

To find the length of one edge of the cube, you would calculate the cube root of the volume. In this case, the cube root of 150 cubic centimeters is approximately 5.3 centimeters. Therefore, the length of one edge of the cube is 5.3 centimeters.