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The lines joining the two poles are longitudes.

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Q: What is the line between the two poles called?
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Lines running between the two poles are called as?

Lines running between two poles are called Semicircles

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There are two -- the Prime Meridian -- 0 degrees, and the International Date Line -- 180 degrees.

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A line between two verticies is called a line segment.

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The portion of a line that falls between two points is called a line segment.

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something that has two poles described as a what i think north poleby:Kenedie durens aka kandii

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the measure of a straight-line distance between two points is called length.

Why do opposite magnetic poles attract?

A magnetic field is created when the atoms of a magnet line to the north or south pole of the magnet. When two opposite poles face each other, the fields, and the atoms inside the magnet, line up, and this causes the attraction between the poles.

What is a straight line between two points called?

A line segment

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magnetic meridian is a line joining the two magnetic pole while geographic meridian is a line joining the two geographic poles

How we calculate distance between two poles of overheads 11 KV Transmission line double wire?

Amio khujchi

What is the mathematical definition of a line?

the distence between two point called line.