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Q: What is the line that divides the square into two equal parts?
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A point that divides a line segment into two equal parts?

The midpoint divides a line segment into congruent parts.

A line that divides an angle into two equal parts?


What point divides a line segment into two equal parts?

The midpoint.

What is the name given to a line that divides an angle into two equal parts?

It is an asymptote.

What is a perpendicular bisector on a triangle?

It is a perpendicular line (a vertical line) that divides the triangle into two equal parts.

Name the line which divides an angle into two equal parts?

90 degree bisector

What is a midpoint?

A point on a line segment that divides the segment into two equal parts is a midpoint.

What is the line called that divides the square in two equal triangle?

A bisector - or diagonal

What do you call a line segment that divides a circle in two?

A line segment that divides a circle in two is a chord.If the two parts of the circle are equal, the line segment is a diameter.See 'The Parts of the Circle' in Sources and related links, below.

What are you doing when you bisect an angle?

You are drawing a line which divides the angle into 2 equal parts (halves).

What is a bisector?

A bisector is a line or curve which bisects or divides a line segment, angle or other figure into two equal parts.

What is a line that hits a circle at two points?

A chord is a straight line within a circle that divides the circle into two parts - these parts are called arcs.The diameter is a chord that runs through the centre of the circle and divides the circle into two equal parts.