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If you're talking about convex polygons with equal sides (eg. equilateral triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, etc.), then the relationship is a very direct one. In those cases, there are as many lines of symmetry as there are points in the polygons. A triangle has three lines of symmetry, a square has four, a pentagon five, etc.

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Q: What is the linear relationship between number of sides and number of lines of symmetry?
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i am a gummi bear ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

What relationship can you find between the the number of lines of symmetry?

The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.

What relationship exist between the number of sides on a regular polygon and the number of lines of symmetry?

They are the same.

What relationship can you find between the number of lines of symmetry and the number of sides in regular polygons?

i dont know man

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Yes, as a rule. Of course, the number of steps has to round to an integer. so the relation is not quite linear.

Is there a relationship between the shape and the number of lines of symmetry?

Not really. For example, there are infinitely many shapes with lateral (left-right) symmetry - including very many animals.

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When a pattern in a number sequence in added or subtracted by the same number every time. :)

What is the definition of a linear relationship?

It would increase by the same number.

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Correlation between two variables implies a linear relationship between them. The existence of correlation implies no causal relationship: the two could be causally related to a third variable. For example, my age is correlated with the number of TV sets in the UK but obviously there is no causal link between them - they are both linked to time.

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