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Q: What is the magnitude of a vector is represented by its?
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Can a vector be represented in terms of unit vector?

Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.

Is The magnitude of a vector is represented by the length of the arrow?

In short, yes.

A vector is represented by an arrow What is the significance of the length of the arrow?

The length of the arrow signifies the magnitude or size of the vector.

Velocity is represented graphically by an what?

By an arrow, a vector. Velocity is a vector quantity that must have both magnitude (speed) and direction (bearing).

What is a unit vector?

It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.

How a vector represented?

A vector is represented graphically as an arrow. The direction indicates the direction, the length is proportional to the magnitude of the vector. Note that it is difficult to accurately represent vectors of 3 or more dimensions on a 2-dimensional sheet of paper.

How do you represent vector quantities?

Vector magnitude is represented by the square root of the sum of the squares of the independent vector comonents; |V| = (x2 + y2 + z2)1/2.

What is meant by scalar and vector?

Basically, a scalar magnitude is one in which the direction is not relevant; a vector magnitude is one in which the direction is relevant. A scalar can be represented by a single real number; a vector requires at least two numbers (for example, the x-component and the y-component; or alternately a magnitude and a direction).

A vector always consist of?

A vector always consists of a direction and magnitude. For example, a vector representing the weight of an object that is 35N would be represented as an arrow pointing downward with a magnitude of 35N. You could also represent the weight of 35N as -35N, in which the negative symbol indicates a downward force.

What is a vector magnitude?

A vector magnitude is the number that is associated to the length of the vector.

What is a random vector?

A vector may be thought of as a magnitude or size (such as speed) and a direction. So a moving car may be represented by a vector that gives the car's speed and direction. If the magnitude and direction of a vector are chosen from populations of values in some way that makes them unpredictable-or random in other words-then that vector can be said to be random.