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The magnitude depends on the angle between the vectors. The magnitude could be from 0 to 600 N.

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Q: What is the magnitude of the resultant of a pair of perpendicular 300 N vectors?
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If two vectors with equal magnitudes 'M' have perpendicular directions, then the resultant ismidway between them ... 45 degrees from each ... and the magnitude of the resultant isM sqrt(2).84 km/hr North + 84 km/hr East = 84 sqrt(2) = 118.794 km/hr Northeast (rounded).

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No. Only in the equilateral case. And then they will only be equal in magnitude, not direction.

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Yes. Just arrange them so that there is 120 degrees between the directions of each pair.

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a pair of intersecting lines that are perpendicular

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DrAw a pair of perpendicular lines?

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A perpendicular diagonal is a pair of segments or lines that cross a polygon making a perpendicular

Has a kite got 1 pair of perpendicular sides?

No but its diagonals are perpendicular

A polygon with only 1 pair of perpendicular sides?

Any polygon can have only 1 pair of perpendicular sides.

Why is scl6 a nonpolar molecule whereas scl4 is a polar molecule?

Scl6 is non-polar because it has 6 bonding pairs and no lone pairs, giving it an octahedral shape. When you draw the vectors, you can see that the resultant is 0, making it nonpolar. Scl4 on the other hand is polar because it has 4 bonding pairs and one lone pair, giving it a trigonal pyrimidal shape. When you draw vectors for this molecule you can see that the resultant displacement is <0, and therefore it is polar.