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The question is not clear. A function is defined by an equation and that requires an equals sign. there is no equals sign in the question. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "divided by", "equals".

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Q: What is the maximum function value of f(x)-(x-3)2?
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In Calculus, to find the maximum and minimum value, you first take the derivative of the function then find the zeroes or the roots of it. Once you have the roots, you can just simply plug in the x value to the original function where y is the maximum or minimum value. To know if its a maximum or minimum value, simply do your number line to check. the x and y are now your max/min points/ coordinates.

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An argmax is a mathematical term for the argument of the maximum - the set of points of a given argument for which a given function attains its maximum value.

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That refers to the highest and lowest value of a function. A "local maximum" (or local minimum) refers to a value that is higher than any near-by value, for a certain neighborhood.

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You cannot. The function f(x) = x2 + 1 has no real zeros. But it does have a minimum.

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Assuming the standard x and y axes, the range is the maximum value of y minus minimum value of y; and the domain is the maximum value of x minus minimum value of x.

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If x2 is negative it will have a maximum value If x2 is positive it will have a minimum value

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int max(int arr[], int arrSize){int maximum = arr[0];for (int i = 0; i < arrSize; i++){if (maximum < arr[i]){maximum = arr;}}return maximum;}

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Standard notation for a quadratic function: y= ax2 + bx + c which forms a parabola, a is positive , minimum value (parabola opens upwards on an x-y graph) a is negative, maximum value (parabola opens downward) See related link.

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The range of a function is the set of values that the function can take. In the context of probability and statistics, it is the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value that a variable can take.

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What is maximum value