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(n+1)/2 = 10.5

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Q: What is the mean average of the first 20 whole numbers?
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What is the name for whole numbers?

If you mean part of whole numbers, its fractions. If you just mean another word for whole numbers, i think its just...whole numbers.

In math what is a mean of a number?

The mean of numbers is the average. To find this, first add all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers you added.

How do you find the average or mean in a set of data?

First, you add all of the numbers in the set together. Then, you divde the sum by however many numbers there are in the set of data. Your quotient is the average/mean.

Mean of a set of number?

Mean is the same as average. To get the mean of a set of numbers: First, you add up all the numbers. Second, you divide by the number of numbers in the set. Total of all the numbers/Number of numbers in the set

The law of large numbers?

The law of large numbers is a principle of probability and statistics. It states that as a sample size increases, its mean will get closer to the average of the whole population.

What is the mean and mode of a list of five whole numbers?

the mean is another word for "average". the mode is the number that occurs the most. for example, the mean for the numbers:4,9,8,3,8,4,4,8,4 is 48.4. the mode is 4 because it occurs the most.

What are whole numbers are not divided by 2?

I guess you mean: what are the whole numbers not divisible by 2? A: The odd numbers.

What does mean in math means?

The mean is the average of a set of numbers Mean/average = sum of the numbers in the set divided by the amount of numbers in the set

What is the average of first ten prime numbers?

The average of the first ten prime numbers is 12.9.

What does 'mean' mean in math?

the mean is an average of a set of numbers

What does the mean of numbers mean?

Their average