A domain is your Internet address. co is the latest domain introduction and is a good alternative if your .com domain is not available
There are two sets for any given function, the domain and the range. The range is the set of outputs and the set of inputs is the domain.
domain is independent why? because its before range or also known as x/domain and y/range(x,y).
in a coordinate point, the domain is the "x" part in (x,y) say you have a point that is (5,7). the domain would be 5.
Give the domain for
its the meaning of COURTNEY whatever DOMAIN OF CURTIS is. lolol..
cognitive domain refers to knowledge questions
co.in is an upper-level domain for businesses in India, and com.co.in is a domain name registrar for that domain.
Domain: an area or territory owned and controlled by someone or some entity.
The meaning of the scientifical term procreation is to reproduce. The term can be used for both the human domain and the animal domain and the plant kingdom.
terrestrial domain
She didn't have a domain exactly, she was the virgin goddess of the hunt, wildlife, and the moon.Artemis is a goddess of the wilderness and hunting, meaning that such places were her domain.
Forwarding a domain name means to direct incoming traffic from your domain to an already existing site. So, if someone tries to access your site, he is automatically redirected.
No, domain Bacteria do not have a nucleus, while domain Archaea have a nucleus-like structure called a nucleoid where their genetic material is located.
the part of your life the government has no control over
The domain of an amoeba is Eukarya. Amoebas are classified in this domain because they are eukaryotic organisms, meaning they have cells with a defined nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
In domain names .com = commercial .net = network